
The End is Near, But not Today!

I had a different post planned for today but decided to say something about the election. To cover both the good and the bad. I usually try to leave the political topics off here, but decided I needed to cover a few things. Somethings need to be clarified and some people need to be reeled in from out in tin foil land. Most of you will agree with parts of what I have to say and think I’m completely wrong and an idiot with the rest. Thats fine, disagree with me all you want but keep it respectful or leave. No need to be a dick in this life.



Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson

The 1%

1% is the portion of the vote got by my candidate Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party. Gary pulled in an amazing 1,012,617 votes. Setting the record for the most votes ever for a Libertarian Candidate. I am proud to be one of the 1%. I can live happy with my decision to not vote for Obama or Romney. If Johnson runs again I’ll certainly vote for him. I only wish that the 1% would have been 5% for the Libertarian Party to get ballot access. I think with more exposure Johnson could have gotten many more votes. In fact most people ask Who when I tell them who I vote for. Usually followed by they didn’t bother voting. I’ve heard that most often since yesterday. Many of the people I asked were not inspired enough to bother voting.


The Winner?

America chose another four years of Obama. I was slightly surprised by this. Not that I supported Romney and will talk about him in a bit. I thought the fact that the country is pretty much in the shitter would be enough to fire Obama. I thought that Obama’s complete term filled with lies would have done it. He promised to end the war, work for gay rights, restore freedom and be the opposite of Bush. He delivered increased troops and war with countless innocents killed by drone warfare, Done nothing for gay rights, increased the drug war, voted to keep the patriot act indefinitely and give out more bailouts. Basically he’s lied about everything he said he would do. All while running up debt like a maniac. Whats worse his supporters don’t bother to learn this shit and when confronted about it call it lies or justify it…

 The Looser!


Romney was destined to loose. He never really inspired people. I heard complaints early on about how he wasn’t perfect BUT… I heard lots of the lesser of two evils bull shit. Lots of working on him once elected. That although his voting record was rubbish he would do better in office. That although he ran Massachusetts’ economy into the ground he would do better in the White House. That although his Romney care was the basis of Obama care he would repel it. That although in the past he was anti gun he was now pro 2nd amendment. The fact that the NRA fully supported him has removed any creditability from them.  He was quick to change his opinions when it suited his platform. All I saw though  was him agreeing with Obama.

The Good

So there’s good to be had? YES! Yesterdays elections produced many great things. First up two states legalized Marijuana use. This is a huge step in ending the drug war. Two states, Colorado and Washington, have taken a stand. They have realized that the drug war only hurts people, Fills up jails and profits the government and the cartels. I believe that illegal drug dealers will be heading out of those two states or switching drugs. I also hope that this becomes an example for other states to follow. Just to make it clear I’m not a fan nor user but I fully support a persons right to buy it.

Another great victory came with Maine and Maryland. Both states by popular vote legalized same sex marriage. I believe that marriage should not be the governments business. As long as it is though I don’t see a reason to limit it nor encroach on anyone’s liberty. I believe in smaller government not selectively smaller but wholly smaller. Helping this will be Tammy Baldwin, the first openly gay congresswoman and Jared Polis, the first openly gay congressman.  Congrats to the States for making this decision and congrats to Tammy and Jared.

The Bad

Franken Food
Franken Food

Proposition 37 in California was defeated! If your not aware this was the proposition that was going to require GMO food labeling. So we would have a choice in not buying GMO contaminated foods. I was hopping for this to pass and spread across the country. Monsanto and other big companies poured in Millions and Millions on ad’s to dissuade this from being passed. Yet another loss for we the people.



Doom is what I’m seeing on Facebook from other Survival pages and friends. Oh no Obama has won we are all doomed. Better load up on ammo and guns! There’s going to be shooting in the streets and riots. We are all being shipped of to FEMA death camps! Fools Shut up! The upcoming ammo shortage will be caused by you buying it all up! We’ve never had shooting in the streets and we won’t now. We survived 8 years of Bush we will survive 4 more of Obama. There wont be any dammed Death camps! Are we headed to a tough time? Yes, we’ve been on that course for a long time and the puppet in the office has little to do with it one way or another. Romney would not have diverted that bus, maybe slowed down a bit, maybe. But just maybe. Will it be a year, two, three or more? I have no idea when the coming economic collapse will be nor what it will look like. I plan on sticking to basics. Savings, Food and knowledge. Humans are a resilient sort and we will manage. So don’t go off the deep end. This doesn’t change my plans at all. It may suck, a lot, but we will pull through.

How do you feel about the election? Does it effect your plans? What are you doing the next few years to prepare?  Let me know in the comments!


Today’s article brought to you by the great folks over at home to all your Bug out bag and tactical needs.



17 thoughts to “The End is Near, But not Today!”

  1. Makes me realize how messy the minds of my neighbors here in CO are. Yes good and bad, but mostly random… I think its time to start leading this generation of voters. After my gardening duties are settled for the year and I have raked all my neighbors’ leaves for mulch and compost. I will become more active in the lives of my city council and state reps. I will show them how the citizens prefer to live by living the way I do, and letting them know their job is at stake every time their decisions cross my libertarian boundary.

  2. Cant agree with you more.

    I think the funniest one i’ve heard recently was “I’m joining the communist police force that is going to come and take all your guns and white women!”. The back and forth even post election has been tiring.

    Johnson was impressive for not only drawing that many votes, but also for doing it all basically at the last minute with a total party change, keeping his head up even when attacked for his lack of electability. Sad days when supporting the freedom and prosperity of our nation lacks electability.

    Thanks for the sane words in the sea of insane.

  3. There needs to be a way to make the playing field fair. Do away with the superpacs. The amount of money spent advertising could have made a small dent in the national debt. In Dreamworld a law would be passed that politicking for presidency cannot begin until six months before election date and a limit on money spent.
    Until that happens, third party candidates will not have a chance. I would have loved to have had Johnson at the debates.
    Besides, we are out of one war, have an end date for the other, gay marriage was voted legal in one or two states, and women’s rights are safe for a while.
    We need to really attack the corporations that are holding their employees hostage and only are concerned about their stockholders. Money could be spread more evenly from these corporations. Employees that work full-time at these companies should not have to be on food stamps. We need to start there and work our way down.
    Legalise pot and tax it, makes perfect sense. Much less traffic in courtrooms and police can concentrate on bigger criminals.

    1. Don’t expect war to end anytime soon. Obama was sending drones hours after being re elected. People won’t stand living in fear of being droned for long. I disagree with going after corporations. One they will find a way to fuck over employees and keep profits. Second government is never the solution. People need to make a stand. Stop supporting companies that are evil. Start new businesses and leave ones for better ones. That will make a bigger difference than big brother stepping in.

  4. nice speach and pic’s. the election doesn’t matter to much to me either, i was also a 1%. too think about all the money spent, to get a couple 100k salary, and a government job. from big government all the way down to city jobs. in the political arena. i also believe the war on drugs, cost alot of good money and tax dollars. not to mention all of the ppls in jail for Marijuana offences. ok, they still have other drugs to fight against. but to legalized marijuana, and tax it has many benfits. for same sex marriage, it is what it is. to each there own. gmo is deadly. buy heirloom, and Organic seeds now. for you and your kids future. that leaves doom and gloom. what will happen when the myan calander ends. don’t know, i wasn’t around for the last 1, prob wont see another 1. sounds like a good day to party on thou. and fema camps, depends on which one, 1 goes to. the boy scout camp or the prison 1. i’ll pass. i have many different places i’d goto first. i am prepared and doing it everyday. 1 never know’s when it will all hit the fan. what am i doing for the future, well i would like to move to the tri-state area in the mts, of tenn, n.c., and georgia. i will be retireing in a few months, after 31 yrs of firefighting. and need a different location, then the 1. i have here in michigan. my only problem is trying to move everything we got. and sale my house here.

  5. I think it’s a damn shame that about the only place in the media that Gary, Jill Stein et al got fair coverage was on RT. Having to go a Russian media outlet to get info is SAD!
    As far as “surviving 4 more years of PBO”, I guess that depends on one’s definition of the word. Will we be alive? Most likely – but what will the Constitution look like by 2016? The liar-in-chief has already demonstrated that he considers it asswipe. His propensity to lie straight to someone’s face and then do the polar opposite of what he just said is well demonstrated & documented. With a continued divided Congress, will he continue to bypass the checks and balances, ruling by edict/EO’s? Without a doubt, we are in for more warrantless surveillance, tracking and monitoring. The 1st & the Internet will come under increased attack simply due to BHO’s view that no one should be able to “slander Islam and the Prophet”. I foresee new treaties being rubber stamped by an increased Democrat majority Senate that will have to be fought out in the Court, while they’re being implemented.
    And last, with his “mandate” a continuation of the denial of fiscal reality. Just more borrowing and stealing, unfunded liabilities and promises of free shit with money we don’t have. 20 trillion in deficits by 2016? We’ll be lucky if it’s only that much.
    The reset IS coming but I believe it just got much uglier. Good luck with your preps, you’re gonna need ’em. 🙁

  6. What people, dems, repub,and libertarians and don’t realize is that the people of any nation have to uphold a certain moral standard in the nation. Look back in history, every time that morality declined so did the power of that country. Our founding fathers themselves said that the only way for our republic to survive was if the people didn’t loose their Christian morality. Well a majority of the people in this country have lost it. The core of any country is family and when people throw the family out the window with divorce, daycare( moms not taking care of the kids but letting some stranger do her job) abortion, homosexual “marriage”, then the American people can expect nothing less than “hard times”

    1. I agree that the morals may be lacking. Mostly lack of respect for each other. I disagree that they must be christian or any other religion. I have seen good examples of moral upright gay atheists. And religious scum. I know more good christians that voted obama than that voted otherwise. Being homosexual does not make someone bad. peoples morality and sexuality has nothing to do with each other. The freedom movement has no room for bigotry. We cant have selective freedom.

      1. Morals imposed by the government are dangerous. When you hold a stick over someone’s head, they will behave only for as long as someone’s eyes are on them. Take away scrutiny, and they will return to past behaviors.

        Morals chosen by the free will of the people are essential. Respect for your fellow man, even if you do not agree with them, needs to grow.

        1. Great point Jeffrey. Thats my biggest issue with the Republican. I want government our of morality. I’m not interested in moral pet issues I want a fixed economy and safe borders.

  7. Good commentary Survival Punk! I tend to agree with you that the coin has already been tossed, so to speak, in terms of our economic prospects. The message of self sufficiency that you and many others endorse is an important positive force in the world, especially now. Every day that we wake up we have the opportunity to make our own situation just a little bit better, regardless of the many factors that are beyond our control. The government does not create opportunities, we do.

  8. I do believe that it didn’t matter who won. But I also think that Romney migght have given us more time to get ready. Either way, no it did not change much other than a stronger sense of urgency and it helped get my wife on board…. so maube I should be thankful for the outcome.

  9. Hello Survival Punk. I’m also a 5MWJ alumni, so high five. I agree with your commentary. I think that the biggest problem is that everyone is looking outward- looking at other people, what they think people should or shouldn’t be doing. And people disappoint.

    It’s a matter of living right and clean. Live your own morals- don’t worry about a bunch of people you don’t know and who don’t affect you. Gay marriage is not going to make gas cheaper or fat people less fat. Take responsibility for your own lives people.

    And for God’s sake, please stop asking the goddamned government for stuff. If you have to ask them for anything, please ask them to go away and leave us alone.

    Thanks for what you do SP. Keep it up.

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