Victor Phonograph

Off Grid Alternatives

Off Grid Alternatives is something I’ve thought about a lot recently. Things that will work well without power  to do everyday tasks. Items that will suit you during a collapse. My homestead will not be off grid. Entirely. More like semi off grid working towards fully off grid. There are exceptions I can’t work around. I need the internet for the blog, communication and cat videos. For other things though I can find alternatives. Simple no power off grid alternatives. This post is a collection of thoughts on a few items I’m planing on getting. If you have experience with any let me know.


Off Grid Hot Tub Off Grid Alternatives

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Perfect Cup Of Joe

How To Make The Best Off Grid Coffee Maker For Cheap

Coffee, the glue that keeps modern society functional. Without our morning life blood dragging yourself into work becomes nearly impossible. What happens to the magical elixir when the power is out and the coffee pots won’t turn on? How do you make coffee without electricity? I’ve been thinking about how to make an off grid coffee maker for a few weeks now. Most the time I walk around in a semi-daze with projects going through my head. For this project, I had a list of things I needed my off grid coffee maker to accomplish. I wanted it to be simple to make, easy to operate, not be made of plastic, take any heating method available and not just produce any cup of coffee but the BEST cup. While I still have a few kinks to work out my trial run produced an amazing cup. Now let’s get to brewing!

Perfect Cup Of Joe
Perfect Cup Of Joe

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