870 and SOE 12ga Cards

Original S.O.E 12GA Shotgun Card

I was watching some videos on YouTube the other day and saw a neat trick from James Yeager. He took some sticky back industrial strength Velcro and used it to attach an SOE shotgun card to his shot gun. My first thought was that thing looks super simple, I’ll just grab some Velcro and elastic and make a shotgun card. I figured it would be a nice DIY article. If you notice the title though this is not a DIY article but a review of the SOE card. That’s because my project failed miserably. The thread kept breaking in the Velcro. After a few hours of frustration I decided to order the SOE ones. When I saw the quality of the SOE ones I knew that ones I had tried to make would have been crap compared to them anyway. So instead today I’ll be reviewing the SOE 12 gauge card and how to make a quick and easy side saddle.

870 and SOE 12ga Cards
870 and SOE 12ga Cards
870 with Side Saddle
870 with Side Saddle

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