Bread the Final Paleo Frontier

What about bread?! I get this question a lot. People can’t seem to fathom that I don’t eat bread or any bread like creation. I try to stick to simple meal from simple ingredients with a focus on whole foods. So the elaborate ordeal of baking does not really appeal to me. I am not big on measuring and following recipes. I prefer to make things up as I go. My only real guilty pleasure being the Paleo biscuits and gravy From the Paleo Comfort Foods Book. I’m  southern and need my occasional (once every few months) biscuits and gravy. That being said my buddy Mike from Skills and Gear asked me if I knew about the new Paleo Bread from Julian bakery and if I knew how to make some paleo friendly bread. Today I’m going to show you how to make paleo bread at home.


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Coconut Bars

My DIY nature is pretty rampant. It’s  to the point where whenever I see something I like I don’t think about buying it I try to figure out how to make it. That is what leads us to today’s experiment. I was on a the Primal Toad Blog and saw a review of a product called CacomoJoe Joe Bars. They are an organic 100% paleo bars. I though they would make an awesome alternative to Lara bars. Not that I don’t like Lara bars and if you want to save some money my buddy at Florida Hillbilly has a homemade recipe for them here. So of course I wanted to try to make my own Joe bars.

Finished Coconut Bars

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Top Ten Paleo Food Storage Items

Paleo Food Storage
Paleo Food

Today I’m going to share with you my top ten paleo foods storage list. I’m sure many of you have seen the lists going around the net of the top ten Long term storage foods. I’ve seen a ton of them and most of them are the same list over and over. On top of that most of the list is things I don’t want to eat now nor in a disaster. I’m not storing wheat and not going to eat it. So I thought about it and did some serious research. I’ve come up with a list of ten paleo food  storage items you need to have. Foods that are paleo friendly and have storage lives from years to indefinite. My paleo food storage  list is as follows.

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