Guy Fawkes Voting Waste of time

Voting Is a Waste Of Time

Guy Fawkes Voting Waste of time
Guy Fawkes


While recording the podcast the other night I went off on a rant. The rant was on voting and government in general. To be honest it could have consumed the rest of the show. It was voting day 11/4/2014. My Facebook is filled with politically charged posts. Urging other to get out and vote. Screaming that your vote can make a difference. Fools. You make yourself feel good thinking you are making a difference by clicking a button. By choosing one idiot over another. Voting is a complete waste of time. Today I’ll tell you why.


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FPS Russia

YouTube Star FPS Russia Raided By The ATF

With 4 million YouTube subscribers I’m sure many of you know who FPS Russia is. For those that don’t know who Kyle “FPS Russia” Myers is he host a YouTube channel on firearms. He does the show with an obvious fake Russian accent while testing various weapons, and blowing lots of things up. There are usually several explosions in every episode. Which is the supposed reason for the raid. The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) suspected him of using explosives “with malicious intent” because of the cars, fridges, mannequins and other objects regularly blown up on the channel.

FPS Russia
FPS Russia

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